Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The World

As i said in the Big Idea, the world would always be changing countries would have new rulers and wars would ravage the land. But it more to me than that stuff, i would want the world to be the innovation on this game. When some one logs in i do not want them to know for sure what is gong to happen, maybe there could be a trolloc raid in the town they are in or darkfriends could try and attack you. But as in some games i do not want this to be a regular this, like after you complete this quest 10 monsters run out and you have to kill them. i would want the raids and attacks to be independent of any thing except where the story is at that point. My main goal for this would be, i do not want every ones experience with the game to be the same, even if they start them in the same starting area and same class decisions i want the world to shape there experience not what quests there are. Just think how different the would would be to someone starting a character at launch and then starting one say around Lord of Chaos time period, i mean i think the replay value on this game would be great, because you would never experience the same game twice. I think if this is done right you will keep people longer with there subscriptions and more people will come back after canceling there subscriptions because it will be the not knowing what might happen tomorrow that will bring people back. A huge army of Seanchan might attack and unless you know the story you would miss it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


In this game i think that everyone who wants to use magic should be able to. Now I'm not saying that you get to start, man or woman, with all the powers and just keep upgrading them. Lets start with girl characters they are easier, so if any girl wants to learn magic all she has to do is go to the white tower and join the Aes Sedai faction, and they will be on there way to becoming a tower witch. But for male characters it is not that simple until the black tower is formed on your server which is not for a while how ever we spin it so... I decided that some characters should randomly be given magic powers as they level, taking in the "wilder" aspect and this will work for both men and women. I forgot to mention earlier that i do not think characters who use magic should be extremely more powerful than ones who don't i just think it is another character path some would choose to take (i hate the idea of a hero class or some uber class all that leads to is everyone racing to create one and it messes up the world and the feel). And up until Rand issues the amnesty i think that any male character that uses the power around other people should have consequences. They could range from shops not selling to you to people attacking you or... people thinking you are the dragon reborn be it a false dragon a dragon none the less.


When reading the Wheel of Time books you notice how many factions there are, it took me a while to think how you would do factions in this MMO since there are no real two forces against each other, i know darkfriends but you cant have darkfriends vs everyone and they have not cities. So i go another idea from Elder Scrolls what if when you start the game you are in no faction, but you can go join the cause you feel is right for you, it could be the city guard which might lead to the army and become a General. Or you could go and join the Whitecloaks and work your way up from there. All of these would have there own quest lines depending on what is happening at the story at that point in time. And for our darker players you would of course be able to join the darkfriends. but i think it would be much cooler if you did not loose your position in the other faction you are in when you join the darkfriends you just have more option to sabotage them but of course if they find out you are a darkfriend, a guard see you kill some one or i don't know anything you loose your spot in your original faction, if i guess you don't kill the guard that saw you.

Starting a Characer

So, in my mind when it comes to choosing your character and how he looks i think you should be limited on where you start in the game, ex. aiel would be tall and have light hair and light eyes, kinda like Elder Scrolls on how people are different. So that just by looking at someone's appearance you can tell what part of the world they started out in. I do not think that you should choose your class when you start the game, maybe what you want your character to lean to, like a major attribute but not a class, original SWG style.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So i think that since the game will be going along as the books progress that Rand, Mat and Perrin should be in game as well, naturally. But i think that they should do exactly what they do in the books start off the night before Bel Tine sp? and the attack comes moriane is with them and they go on there journey. i think that if you wanted to you could follow them most places, if you suvrive the incounter, but if you know the books and where they should be you can see them. like before Logain is brought to Caemlyn and you go in an inn in Andor you might see a guy juggling and a guy playing the harp, now we know its rand and mat but not many other people will. just a thought, i think its cool

The Big Idea

So i was thinking, how would this game be any different than any of the other games out now. And i came to the conclusion that if had to be fundamentaly different to make it big in the MMORPG world. So i had the idea that in stead of having a game that took place during a specific point in the games why not have them follow what happens in the books. like when the game first comes out we are starting where Rand starts his journy, not saying every one is in the Two Rivvers, but time wise that is where the game starts out. for the First few mounths the game would be a basic sand box fantasy MMO, allowing people to get a feel of the world and the history, but then the call for the hunt would happen in Illian an you could go there and so on. When big battles happen in the book they happen in the world, and as you play the game the world changes. It makes me so mad that after 4 years of WoW thoese pesple in westfall still have not fixxed the Inn. The game would work on a time line, i had the idea that you could go to inns and listen to rumors to see where you are in the story, and if you see one of these book events you could sell what you saw to inn keepers for money. more to come on...